
quick glossary
specialty skill your skill with a d20 value
roll(ing) your dice result(s) vs cast(ing) your sum total of your rolls, bonuses, and essence.      
getting help lets another player donate some essence to boost your roll & taking your time lets you use 1/2 your dice value instead of rolling vs reacting prevents the "taking your time" and "getting help" mechanics      
critmaxxing when rolling the max value on a dice, allows you to roll again vs epic failing when rolling a 1 on your specialty skill (d20), gain 3 essences instead of one

Teens on Mana is, mechanically, based on the Kids on Brooms system. The gameplay and skills section relies heavily on KoB, with some name changes; more mechanics have been expanded upon, and new rules are obviously made up. You can hover on labelswow, secrets! for more info. (click on mobile)


Casting rolls

The main gameplay of ToM is based on casting rolls.
Whenever an event calls for it, The GM will set skill and difficulty for you to roll.

ToM Difficulty
D&D DC equivalent
1 to 2 ridiculously easy 5
3 to 6 easy, but failable 10
7 to 9 easy if you're skilled 15
10 to 12 impressive, but expected if you're skilled 17
13 to 16 incredible, even when skilled 20
17 to 19 incredible, even when skilled 22
20 + nearly impossible 25

To cast a roll, roll the dice of the declared skill and add any relevant bonuses, traits or ranks .

If you roll the maximum value on a dice, you critmax: meaning get to roll again, adding both dice rolls

If you are not in a rush, you can take your time: meaning you may use 1/2 of your skill dice value instead of rolling

Sometimes, you may not have time to do a proper cast. In these situations, you are reacting: meaning you cannot take your time or get help

fail/success tresholds
result disparity with target
+10 or more succeeds flawlessly and effortlessly. May gain additional benefits.
+9 to +5 succeeds impressively. May gain minor additional benefits.
4 to 1 succeeds adequately.
0 barely succeeds, nearly fails but just makes it.
-1 to -4 fails inconsequentially.
-5 to -9 fails pretty bad. May suffer minor consequences.
-10 to -14 fails impressively. Should suffer significant consequences.
-15 or more fails catastrophically. Will suffer long-term consequences.

Once your total calculated, you can expend to increase your total. It is recommended to save your to avoid failures, or at least lower the failure treshold.

If you don't have enough left, you can get help; meaning another player's can be used to boost your cast, granted the player narrate how their character is helping.

If, after all bonuses and boosts, you still fail your cast, it's okay! You get to recieve one

Casting Spells

Casting spells is similar to casting regular rolls, but additional stats are added. Every spell cast benefits from the magic died4.

Spells have their own difficulty system open spell cost calculator)


When starting a confrontation, start with an engagement roll. The attacker must roll tussle vs the defender's gritto confront or flightto flee. This determines the order in which the following contested rolls happend.

contested rolls
Then, it is up to the GM and players to determine which skills are applicable, depending on what happends narratively. The chart below relates the attacker's cast(ing)sum total of rolls, bonuses & essence. (A) vs the defender's (D)
D wins by 10 or more D ripostes D narrates how they turn A's attack agaisnt them
D matches or surpasses A D is unaffected D explains how they doge/resist
A wins by 3 or less D is momentarily inconvinienced A attack, D explains how they mitigate
A wins by 6 or less D is moderately hurt A attack, D defends, A retorts
A wins by 9 or less D is significantly hurt A attack, D attempts defence, A retorts
A wins by 10 or more D is a gravely hurt, or dead A takes narrative control for the attack

Fear mechanic

On character creation, you will have determined a fear. Exposure to it causes all actions to be considered reactions, and a temporary hindrance applies.
fear level
-1 fear instance is minor / distant
-2 fear instance is nearby / persistent
-3 fear instance is present / overwhelming


Smart or academic knowledge; the ability to use logic and figure things out
used to reveal secrets, decode/encoode messages, perform divination...
Charm or social aptitude; the ability to read emotion and manage conversation
used to create illusions, disguise your intention, and, tough frowned upon, influence other's thinking
Grit or resolve; the ability to keep your cool and being streetwise
used to dispell magic, protect yourself or others
Vigor or physique; the ability withstand bodily challenges
used for telekinesis, restraints, and the likes
Tussle or fight; the ability withstand challenge an opponent
used for attacks, breaking curses, and blowing shit up
Flight or evasion; the ability to get the fuck out of dodge
used to hide, evade attacks, and move by magical means
And dont forget your Magic Die (d4) when casting spells!

More mechanics

Classes & Ranks

Similar to DND/PF's skills, classes are a stat that can be invested in to gain bonuses to your castsyour sum total of your rolls, bonuses, and essence..

Some classes have specializations, which act as their own standalone skill. Altough I'm thinking of implementing a mechanic that reduces the cost of ranking up in specializations if you already have ranks in the class?

applicable situations
MMBMage & Magic Basics - understanding magic, knowing the rules, creating spells...
ANIArcane Notation Interpretation - reading/wrinting spells/recipies, deciphering old scrolls...
ALCAlchemy - crafting/identifying/developping potions/canisers/etc
MDPMagic Deflection and Protections - defending agaisnt magical threats, making wards...
S&SSpirits and Summoning - interacting with spirits, planar knowledge...
TFGTransfiguration - Shapeshifting (items, familiars, self)
DVIDivination - Predicting events, gain insight...
MRIMagical Ressources & Ingredients - Inert matter mattery identifying, finding, refining inert matter (crystals, metals, dust...)
MRIMagical Ressources & Ingredients - Botany botany identifying, finding, refining botanical matter (plants!)
MRIMagical Ressources & Ingredients - Botany zoology identifying, finding, refining zoologic matter or beings (animals!)
AUGArcane Augmentation enchantment identifying, developping, crafting enchantments
AUGArcane Augmentation druidism identifying, developping, crafting druidic enhancements
AUGArcane Augmentation artificery identifying, developping, crafting arcanomechanical/technical items

It works by investing points into each classes, which upon certain tresholds, lets you gain Ranks, which gives you bonuses to add to your rolls. These points are invested between sessions, during "level up" (even tough there are no levels).

1 beginner none
2 trained +1
5 studied +3
10 master +5


Using a difficulty mechanic similar to spells, tough various bonuses or maluses can apply

Unless you have a rank in the corresponding craft class, the crafting is a reactionprevents the "taking your time" mechanics. If you have ranked up in the corresponding class, add your rank bonus. Additionally, you may take your timelets you use 1/2 your dice value instead of rolling. You may only get helplets another player donate some essence to boost your roll if the other player also has a rank on the corresponding class

Crafting Classes
Class Subclass Product
ALC - Brew a Potion/Tincture (applies to a person) Canisters/Capsules (aoe)
AUG Enchantment Add a temporary bonus to an item
AUG Druidism Appeal to a natural phenomenon? I guess??
AUG Artificery Create a one-time use contraption

Crafting is much more involved than your traditional spellcasting. As such, some requirements might need to be met. On top of the base difficulty, unmet requirement may be added by your GM.

Crafting Mechanics
difficulty modifier
20 missing key ingredient  ✦ a special, rare ingredient that needs a quest to aquire
12 missing key component/tool  ✦ ex: brewing a potion without a cauldron
8 missing recipe  ✦ not necessarily a physical one, can be remembered
5 missing basic ingredients  ✦ the kind you can find in a shop or in the class's storage
3 improper environment  ✦ ex: crafting in your dorm room instead of the artificery workshop

Alternatively (or additionally), crafting might come with a non-numerical cost. It might take time, making your characters miss events, or mana, making your character magically exhausted and unable to cast spell until you rest.

New Rules

Classes instead of ranking up in skills, ToM has you rank in Classes
Epic Fail when rolling a 1 on your specialty skillthe one with a d20, gain 3 essences instead of 1. (stacks with easygoing)

Elements glossary

EssenceKoB: Lucky Break gained when failing a cast, can be used to boost a roll
CritmaxxingKoB: Lucky Break rolling the max value on a dice, allowing you to roll again (you can keep going as long as you crit)
Taking your timeKoB: Planned actions lets you use 1/2 your dice value instead of rolling (using essence)
Getting helpKoB: included in Planned actions lets another player donate some essence to boost your roll
ReactionKoB: Snap Decision prevents the "taking your time" and "get help" mechanics
RanksKoB: studied in / trained in / mastery allows you to add bonuses to some rolls